
Creating Your Account

Step 1: Visit the Education & Training Center Homepage

Navigate to the side menu and select "Create Account."

Step 2: Set Up Your User Account

  • Use your state-affiliated email address to create your user account.
  • Provide the required information for your account profile. This information will be verified to determine your account type.
  • Create a secure password for your account.

Step 3: Log In to Your Account

Once your account profile is created, you'll be automatically logged into your account and prompted to return to the homepage.

Step 4: Account Verification

Your account must be verified to access the UCR course catalog and training materials. Please allow 2-3 business days for this process.

Step 5: Access Training Materials

After your account information is verified (2-3 business days), you will gain access to training materials relevant to your user type:

  • State Auditor
  • State Administrator
  • State Board Member